Nickel metal–organic framework implanted on graphene and incubated to be ultrasmall nickel phosphide nanocrystals acts as a highly efficient water splitting electrocatalyst 论文, 论文2018Editor2019-07-18Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 1682-1691Full…
Inorganic hydrogen polysulfides: chemistry, chemical biology and detection. 论文, 论文2019Editor2019-07-18British Journal of Pharmacology, 2019, 176 (4), 616-627…
Electrochemiluminescent sensor based on Ru(bpy)32+-doped silica nanoprobe by incorporating a new co-reactant NBD-amine for selective detection of Hydrogen sulfide 论文, 论文2019Editor2019-07-18Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2019, 284, 451-455Fu…