Advances in Activity-Based Sensing Probes for IsoformSelective Imaging of Enzymatic Activity
Angewandte Chemie International | April 2021 | Volume 60, Issue 10 | Pasges5000-5009 |
Until recently, there were no generalizable methods for assessing the effects of post-translational regulation on enzymatic activity. Activitybased sensing (ABS) has emerged as a powerful approach for monitoring small-molecule and enzyme activities within living systems. Initial examples of ABS were applied for measuring general enzymatic activity; however, a recent focus has been placed on increasing the selectivity to monitor a single enzyme or isoform. The highest degree of selectivity is required for differentiating between isoforms, where the targets display significant structural similarities as a result of a gene duplication or alternative splicing. This Minireview highlights key examples of small-molecule isoform-selective probes with a focus on
the relevance of isoform differentiation, design strategies to achieve selectivity, and applications in basic biology or in the clinic.